When you feel like watching something good: My 10 favorite TED videos

In my posts I frequently refer to this or that TED video, because lots of them contain numerous well-structured and substantiated points. The motto of TED is “Ideas worth spreading” and in my opinion they really live up to it. I actually don’t recall anymore when did I discover TED for myself, yet I believe it was shortly before embarking on the MBA journey. Hence, I am their devoted fan for 7 years now. There were plenty of videos which I liked, yet in this short post I will list only the ones which left a lasting impression on me and which I would definitely recommend you to see. Hence, there we go (as usual, not in the order of significance, but in the order of remembering):

  1. Sir Ken Robinson. Do schools kill creativity?

No wonder this TED talk is the most seen one of all times (on TED website alone the track record is 40,297,478 views. That’s right – more than 40 million times!). Sir Robinson criticizes the existing educational system and makes a good case for creating a system that would rather nurture than undermine creativity.

  1. Logan LaPlante. Hackschooling Makes Me Happy

In this talk 13-year-old boy shares his story of being home-schooled and getting the best out of it. Already at this young age he realizes that his main goals in life are to be happy and healthy (something that some of us only understand much further in life).

  1. Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. We should all be feminists

This talk by a talented Nigerian novelist is in my view one of the best talks describing the issues women are facing, not only in Africa, but sadly all over the world.

  1. Maysoon Zayid. I got 99 problems … palsy is just one.

This is a hilarious and very inspirational talk by Arab-American comedian who tells her story of living with cerebral palsy. She is a brave and beautiful woman who has a very serious health condition, but remains optimistic, funny and successful.

  1. Susan Cain. The Power of Introverts.

In this world it’s mostly the qualities attributed to extroverts which are praised; while being an introvert could be truly difficult. In her talk Susan (the author of “Quiet”) praises the introverts which frequently have extraordinary talents.

  1. Dame Stephanie Shirley. Why do ambitious women have flat heads?

This frank and wittily funny woman pioneered all-woman software company in the UK in 1960s,  making millionaires of 70 of her team members.

  1. Emilie Wapnick. Why some of us don’t have one true calling?

Barbara Sher (“Refuse to choose”) calls them “scanners”, Emilie Wapnick uses a term “multipotentialites”. For all those with many interests and talents! I can totally recognize myself in it!

  1. Brene Brown. The Power of vulnerability

A true must-see! “You are not perfect, but you are worthy of love and belonging” – this should be something that we teach our kids from their very first days. This is something that we should also learn ourselves if we haven’t yet.

  1. Dan Gilbert. The surprising science of happiness.

Very interesting talk explaining why whether we got what we wanted or not, that will not affect our happiness. Thought-provoking!

  1. Alix Generous. How I learned to communicate my inner life with Asperger’s

This brave young scientist with a form of autistic spectrum disorder tells how she learned to communicate her thoughts and shares her vision for tools to help more people communicate their big ideas.

The above mentioned are just the first 10 that I immediately remembered. However, there are many more TED talks worth seeing (I referred to some good ones in my post on Future-proofing your kids (link) and when I was talking about choosing extracurricular activities (link) to name a few) Though you can also just go to their main website and pick the category you are most interested in. For the majority of videos (on ted.com, not on youtube) you also have an option of pressing “subtitles” in the bottom right corner and picking a language of your choice.

All in all, I truly consider TED to be one of the best online projects ever created!

If you have some other favorite TED talks which I didn’t mention, please share them in the comment section below.


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